Summer School 2024 » Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

IntegrityIt is essential that Summer School students understand the importance of academic integrity during summer school.  Because of the nature of online courses, students can likely find all the answers to the questions found in the online courses somewhere on the internet.  While it is absolutely appropriate for students to look for resources for additional learning on the internet, it is not appropriate for students to be searching for the actual answers to the quizzes, tests, or assignments.  Looking up Khan Academy videos, YouTube videos, or other internet resources about a certain general topic or subject is acceptable.  Students SHOULD NOT be searching the internet by copying the actual text of questions into internet search engines.  Students found cheating in this way will be dismissed from summer school and will not receive credits.

All students will be required to sign the Online Pathway Academic Integrity Pledge before starting Summer School, and will again be asked to sign the pledge each time they take Unit Tests and Cumulative Exams.  Please see our Academic Integrity Pledge HERE.