Associated Student Body / Clubs / Organizations » Associated Student Body Constitution and Bylaws

Associated Student Body Constitution and Bylaws

   Associated Student Body of

Mountain House High School



Article I - Name and Purpose


The name of the organization shall be The Associated Student Body (ASB) of Mountain House High School.


This organization shall have as its purpose the conduct of activities for, and to speak on behalf of the students of Mountain House High School as approved by the principal and the governing board of the Lammersville Unified School District.


Article II - Membership


All students enrolled in Mountain House High School shall be members of the Associated Student Body.  Members shall be entitled to vote one (1) time during each student body election.  During the inaugural year of the school Lammersville Unified School District 9th graders who live within the LUSD boundary shall be deemed members of the Associated Student Body, and current LUSD 8th graders shall be deemed members of the Associated Student Body prior to their entry into High school.  Thereafter, only students enrolled shall be deemed members of the Associated Student Body.


Article III - Executive Board


The Executive Board Shall consist of the following ASB officers


  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Activities Commissioner
  • Publicity Commissioner
  • Athletics Commissioner
  • Digital Media Commissioner
  • Academics Commissioner


The Executive Board shall have all executive powers. The Executive Board members shall serve as acting and voting members of the Mountain House High School Student Council. 


Duties of the Executive Board members are outlined in the Bylaws to the Constitution.


The positions of the Executive Board shall be filled by a general election of the ASB held annually.


No member of the Executive Board may hold more than one ASB office or class office.


Executive Board members shall hold office for one school year.  


For the inaugural year ONLY incoming Freshmen and Sophomores will be eligible to run for ASB officer positions as they will be the only students at the school.  During the Second year of operation, only Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors will be eligible to run for ASB officer positions.  During and after the third year of operation, only Juniors and Seniors will be allowed to run for ASB officer positions.


Article IV - Student Council


The legislative powers of the ASB shall be vested in the student council.  


The Student council shall consist of 24 voting members:  The ASB Executive Board and the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer of each of the four (4) classes (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior).  During the first year of operation, the Executive Board shall consist of 16 voting members as the school will only open with Freshmen and Sophomores.  


The elected voting members of the student council shall be chosen by election as described in the bylaws.


Article V - Amendments


Amendments to this constitution may originate:

  • In student council
  • By petition by 30% of the student body
  • By ballot
  • To represent the student council at all school and school district meetings where this representation is appropriate.


Article VI - Ratification


The student advisory council shall ratify this inaugural constitution by a two-thirds vote.  Any subsequent amendments to this constitution shall be ratified through a two-thirds vote of the elected Student Council.




Mitch Fontenot motion to approve

Sangeetha Bharath seconded the motion


Voting is unanimous

Associated Student Body of

Mountain House High School

 Bylaws of the Constitution


Article I – Student Council


It shall be the duty and power of the student council to:

  • Be the supreme legislative body of the Associated Student Body.
  • Propose and pass legislation that is considered important to the student body.
  • Establish the annual student body dues, also known as the price of an ASB Card.
  • Establish a disciplinary board as the need arises.
  • Spend ASB monies.
  • Propose and pass amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.


Each member of the student council shall be able to cast one vote in each voting situation.


Article II – Executive Board


The ASB President shall have the following duties:

  • Preside over all meetings of the student council.
  • Call special meetings of the student council.
  • Plan and prepare an agenda for the student council meetings.
  • Appoint all committee members and chairpersons.
  • Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
  • Represent the student council at all school and school district meetings where this representation is appropriate.
  • Preside at all student body assemblies or authorize someone to do so in his/her place.
  • Vote in student council only in cases where his/her vote would affect the result.


The ASB Vice-President shall have the following duties:

  • Serve as the ASB President if the president becomes unable to fulfill his/her duties either temporarily or permanently.
  • Serve as chairperson of the Elections Committee and supervise all student body elections.
  • Lead the flag salute at all student council meetings, student body activities, assemblies, or authorize another member of student council to do so in his/her place.


The ASB Treasurer shall have the following duties:

  • Maintain complete and accurate record of all ASB receipts and disbursements.
  • Prepare monthly reports for the student council on the ASB bank balances and receipts and disbursements to date.
  • Serve as chairperson of the Finance Committee with the assistance of the student body bookkeeper and a district business staff member.
  • Act as co-chair of the Fund-Raising Standing Committee.
  • Keep accurate profit and loss statements of all ASB functions and assist classes and clubs in keeping accurate records.
  • Supervise the preparation of the annual budget.
  • Runner up for the treasurer position will be vice treasurer. 


The ASB Secretary shall have the following duties:

  • Maintain accurate minutes of each student council meeting.
  • Complete the minutes in the prescribed format by the next meeting of the student council for distribution to all members.
  • Carry out all necessary correspondence for the student council.
  • Record and distribute an agenda for each student council meeting.


The Activities Commissioner shall have the following duties:

  • Coordinate and maintain the master calendar of all student body activities.
  • Serve as chairperson of the Activities Committee.
  • Serve as co-chair of the Fund-Raising Standing Committee.


The Publicity Commissioner  shall have the following duties:

  • Publicize all school activities through the school newspaper, the school marquee, and school bulletin boards.
  • Issue news releases to the press, radio and television stations.
  • Publicity commissioner needs to approve messages through student council


The Athletics Commissioner (or Commissioner of Athletics) shall have the following duties:

  • To initiate and organize intramural sports.
  • Organizes student spirit groups at sporting events
  • Assists administration in encouraging appropriate behavior during sporting events, and helps others to follow the guidelines of good sportsmanship.


The Academics  Commissioner shall have the following duty:

  • To serve as the representative to the district governing board.
  • Encourages participation in academic extracurricular activities
  • Facilitates the creation of academic clubs/organizations


 Article III – Standing Committees  


The ASB President and the ASB Advisor shall appoint committee members and chairpersons to the following committees each year:

  • The Finance Committee
  • The Elections Committee
  • The Activities Committee


The Finance Committee:

  • The ASB Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee.
  • The treasurers from each class, the ASB advisor, the ASB bookkeeper, and one faculty member shall serve on this committee.
  • The purpose of the committee is to prepare and submit the final budget and approve all requests to spend ASB funds.


The Elections Committee:

  • The ASB Vice-President shall chair the Elections Committee.
  • The ASB Advisor and the vice presidents from each class shall serve on this committee.
  • The purpose of the committee is to plan, organize, and supervise all student body elections.


The Activities Committee:

  • The Activities Chair shall also serve as the chair of this committee.
  • The purpose of the committee is to plan, organize, and supervise all student council activities and to facilitate requests from student clubs for use of school facilities.


Article IV – Succession  


If the ASB President cannot fulfill his/her duties because of illness, physical disability or absence, the ASB Vice-President shall assume and carry out the duties of the president until the President becomes able to resume the duties of his/her office.


If the President is permanently unable to fulfill his/her duties, the ASB Vice-President becomes the ASB President.


After the Vice-President, succession to the presidency shall be appointed by the vote of the entire membership of the Executive Board.


Only ASB officers elected by the general student body shall succeed to the ASB presidency.


Upon the permanent disabilities of any ASB officer other than the President, the corresponding senior class officer shall assume the duties of that office.

Upon the permanent disability of any ASB Commissioner, the ASB President shall appoint the opposition runner to that position, if available, until the end of the current semester, when an election may be held.

If an officer is not fulfilling the duties assigned to them, they can be removed from office.

To be removed, it must be brought during an Executive broad meeting or general council meeting. Any member of the board or ASB Advisor may bring this motion. 

Before removal, the student will be placed on probation which is determined by both the ASB Advisor and the student. If the student violates the probation, a motion for removal may be brought forth.

Removal must be approved by 3/4's of the executive board and approved by the ASB Advisor

If a student is removed from the leadership class, they are automatically removed from office


Article V – Elections and Qualifications for Office


The student council shall hold the annual election of student council officers on the campus of Mountain House High School, and at each of the K-8 schools for incoming Freshman class officers.  During the inaugural year, the election of student officers will take place at each of the K-8 schools and online for students currently attending school outside the district. For subsequent years, the voting shall take place during advisory period at the high school, The vote will be conducted by electronic secret ballot. The freshman class officer election will be held at the beginning of the year. The freshman Class officers that are in leadership will be eligible to run for Class Officers. 


The student council shall hold the elections for class officers at the same time as the elections for the ASB officers.

ASB elections are held first, followed by class officer elections.

The candidates for ASB officer and class officer must have a minimum overall grade point average o GPA of 3.0 and have satisfactory citizenship and attendance. Candidates must have the endorsement of all of their current teachers of at least 5, excluding Freshman Class Officer candidates.

Candidates for ASB President and Vice-President must have served at least one year on the student council For the first and second years this qualification will be waived.

Candidates for ASB President and Vice-President, must be an upcoming Senior and  must have served at least one year on the executive board or been a Junior in Student Council

Each applicant for candidacy must submit an application to the screening committee. The application must include information on the student’s academic record, school activities, and reasons for desiring to serve as a school officer.

All candidates must be approved to run by the ASB Advisor and ASB executive board

The ASB Advisor, four student council members, and two faculty members chosen by the ASB President shall serve on the selection committee. The purpose of the selection committee is to ensure that all candidates for office meet the qualifications.  During the inaugural year, the selection committee shall be composed of the Principal, Vice Principal, Office Manager, and the K-8 vice principals.  


The Campaign:

 The amount and type of campaigning will be decided by the election committee.

The Elections Committee must approve the content of all posters, bumper stickers, buttons, if the election involves doing posters or buttons and other campaign materials in advance.

If there are less than 2 candidates running for a position, the student body must confirm that the only candidate running is approved to run.

Counting the Ballots:

The ASB Vice President and members of the Elections Committee shall review the results of the electronic voting to ensure that voting was conducted fairly and accurately.  



Article VI – Student Clubs

Each student club must prepare and approve a constitution and a detailed budget before it can begin fund-raising activities or make expenditures of club funds.


Article VII – Amendments

The student council, whenever it is necessary, shall propose amendments to the constitution. To make such amendments valid, two-thirds of the voting student body must approve the proposed amendment in a general election.


Article VIII – Adoption

These bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the student advisory council, whereupon they shall go into effect immediately.


Article IX – Finances  

The Executive Board must approve all requests for expenditures of all student funds prior to any commitments.


Student clubs must have a positive balance in their club account before the student council may approve an expenditure.


All ASB checks require two signatures. The ASB Advisor or the site administrator may sign ASB checks. In addition, at least one district office administrator will be an approved signer.


Article X – Meeting Schedule

The student council will meet every month, the Executive Board meets every week and for special sessions, as called by the ASB President or the ASB Advisor.


A quorum consists of two-thirds of the student council members, e.g., 14 members in the standard case of 20 on the council.


The ASB President shall conduct the student council meetings under Robert’s Rules of Order.





Glayzel Denise Pasco motion to approve amendments to the constitution

Charlize Torres seconds

Voting is unanimous