Registrar/Enrollment » Address Changes

Address Changes

Have you moved?

When you move within or outside of Lammersville school district, you must notify MHHS by contacting our registrar, Preetha Das at [email protected]
Please provide your change of address within 10 days of your move. 

Here is what you need to complete your change of address:

Moving WITHIN Lammersville Unified School District Attendance Boundaries
Two copies of new residency verification documents must be provided to our Registrar. Residency verification documents must include one of the following from each category below:
1. Escrow, mortgage, or rental/lease agreements
2. Utility Bill: Water, gas/electric, or cable
Moving OUTSIDE of Lammersville Unified School District Attendance Boundaries
Two copies of new residency verification documents must be provided to our Registrar. Residency verification documents must include one of the following from each category below:
1. Escrow, mortgage, or rental/lease agreements
2. Utility Bill: Water, gas/electric, or cable
If you would like your student(s) to continuing attending MHHS, you will need to obtain an approved Inter-District Transfer Agreement (IDA). This starts with a request form from your new residence high school district. Completed requests are processed by your new residence school district.
If your new residence school district approves your request it is sent to LUSD for consideration. If LUSD approves your request you will be notified by letter. Included in that letter is a contract that needs to be signed by both student and parent before if is submitted to the high school Registrar.