Parents » Attendance


Reporting Your Student's Absence


  • To report a student absence, please email the attendance office with your excusal at [email protected]
The email should contain the following information:
  • Student's full name
  • Student ID #
  • Reason for absence
  • Name of the person reporting the absence
  • The email must come from the parent email address listed in Aeries
If you prefer to call in your student's absence, please call (209) 836-7461 and leave the same information listed above. The telephone number you are calling from should match the number the school has on file in Aeries.

All absences must be cleared within 72 hours.  When excusing an absence, please be sure to include the student's name, date of absence, and reason for absence to avoid any delay in excusing the absence.


  • If there is an error in your student's attendance, it is your student's responsibility to address the matter with their teacher and have the teacher contact the attendance office to make corrections.
  • When picking up your student early, or calling the office to have your student excused, please allow up to 20 minutes for your student to be brought to the office.

    You can click here to see the California Education Code list of acceptable reasons to excuse an absence. 


Pre-Approval Excusal for non-excusable reasons

If your student is going to be absent and it does not fall under one of the excusable reasons, you may complete this form prior to the absence and turn it into the attendance office.  



If you would like to leave a message for the attendance office for any other reason, please call and leave a voice message on our Attendance Line:  (209) 836-7461

Short-term Independent Study
Short term independent study may be available to students who plan to be absent due to a trip or non-medical reason for a period of at least five (5) school days and no more than fourteen (14) school days.  Requests must be submitted AT LEAST ten (10) school days prior to the absence.  For more information about short-term independent study, more information is available in our Student Handbook.  For more information about short term independent  study click HERE

Excessive Excused Absences
Per LUSD Administrative Regulation (AR) 5113(c), after a student has had 3 consecutive and/or 10 total absences verified by a parent for illness, any further absences must be verified by a physician.


To access the attendance section of the Student Handbook, please click here.