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Community Service


In order to graduate from Mountain House High School, students are required to complete 10 service hours for each year they are enrolled at MHHS (typically 40 hours) with a non-profit organization. Any non-profit that does not involve working for a family member is eligible.



Great opportunities are updated on every day! Click here to review: 



Students may now input their community service directly into their student portals in Aeries. Supervisor contact information must be included for all entries to be verified before hours are officially counted. 
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MHHS offers students awards in the spring of their senior year for exceptional levels of service completed during high school.
Graduating Class Aeries Submission/ Approval Deadline 200-299 Hour Award 300+ Hour Award
2025 April 1st, 2025
  1. Certificate                
  2. Varsity Block Letter 
  1. Varsity Block Letter
  2. Name engraved in a commemorative plaque located at MHHS. 

MHHS Service Hours Guidelines

Every student attending Mountain House High School is required to fulfill 40 hours of community service outside of their home and family environment in order to graduate. Any activity that meets the following guidelines is acceptable. All hours must be documented on Aeries. All hours documented will be noted on the student’s transcript.




  • Community service hours must be completed at a non-profit organization   (i.e., tutoring at a school, volunteering at: a hospital, charity, non-profit, fundraising festival, animal shelter, etc.).
  • You may not count work performed as part of your efforts to raise funds for or to assist your club or club event unless those funds are given directly to a charity or community agency.
  • Students may volunteer at a single organization or multiple sites.
  • More than 5 hours of service learning being performed for a school team, club, or activity. 
  • Students may perform service during the summer, school year, weekends, nights. vacation, etc.
  • Working without pay at your job or family business does not qualify. You also cannot create your own non-profit.
  • Any service commencing after the first day of school of the Freshman year
  • Donations or fostering animals will not qualify.
  • Any activity completed outside of regular school hours.
  • Service performed as a result of disciplinary action cannot be counted.
  • Recommended completion by end of the third quarter of the senior year, except by prior approval of the vice-principal.
  • You may not work at a site that is based out of a private residence.