Early College Pathway Home
The Mustang Early College Pathway is a partnership between Delta College and Mountain House High School. We are fortunate to have forged this relationship the Delta College Campus at Mountain House. This program will help our students gain experience in taking college level courses, earn dual credit for classes taken at Delta, earn a high school diploma, and earn either the IGETC transfer pattern of courses for a state university or an associate's degree while in high school. There is also a HUGE financial savings for students and families by getting general education requirements fulfilled. We currently have 105 students in the Mustang Early College Pathway at MHHS.
The Lead counselor for the Early College Pathway is Wajma Aslami: [email protected]
![early college](https://3.files.edl.io/bf6e/20/09/23/213545-17071673-66d6-4d10-a81e-c4fb5ed9ee14.jpg)
Early College - Cohort 10 (Acceptance Meeting)
Early College - Cohort 10 (Informational Meeting 9th Grade 24/25)