Health and Physical Education » Health and Physical Education Department

Health and Physical Education Department

Enjoy the benefits of exercise and begin or continue to develop a healthy lifestyle. The Health and Physical Education Department at Mountain House High School challenges you to keep fit physically, mentally and emotionally.  We also strive to prepare students for their lives beyond high school.  We offer a wide range of physical education courses, including yoga, weight training, lifetime fitness, competitive sports and recreational sports. We also offer a college prep course that explores Sport Movement and Science.  Additionally, the department offers the state required Health Class during the freshman year which includes a number of wellness topics, and sex education.  Seniors are required to take our Adulting 101 class during their senior year where they learn all of the important things they may need to know as they leave high school and become adults.  In this class students explore topics if self-care, basic cooking, budgeting, and basic life skills.  
Whether you enjoy being in the gym, weight room, on the field or in the classroom, the Health and Physical Education Department is committed to helping you achieve fitness for the body and mind.  
The Department chairs for the Health and Physical Education Department are Cheyenne Canada:  [email protected], and Stephen Gatehouse:  [email protected]