What is SUCCESS! period?

aSUCCESS! period is a dedicated period of time during the day where teachers have the opportunity to intervene and extend learning with students on a regular basis.  Our goal at MHHS is to support students in their academic journey, and in their goals to demonstrate their mastery of the concepts and skills they are learning. SUCCESS! Will allow teachers and students to meet this goal.  

SUCCESS! is on every student's schedule during 5th period, and ALL students are required to attend SUCCESS! on a daily basis.  We use an online scheduling system called "Flex Time Manager" to schedule students appropriately into these interventions on a daily basis. 


There are several ways students get scheduled into sessions during the SUCCESS! period: 


  1. Teachers can use Flex Time Manager to require students to attend a learning intervention or extension session.
  2. Students can login to Flex Time Manager to choose intervention or extension sessions on their own.
  3. Students who are eligible and are not required by their teachers to attend intervention or extension sessions can choose to participate in extended lunch. 
  4. Juniors and Seniors who are eligible and have parental permission may be eligible to sign up for off-campus lunch privileges.  


Regardless of the activity during SUCCESS! period, ALL STUDENTS are required to be signed up for a session during SUCCESS! on a daily basis.  Students should be aware that teachers and administrators can override a student's chosen activity at any time before SUCCESS! starts, and students must check Flex Time Manager EVERY DAY before SUCCESS! begins to verify where they are required to be.  


Students who do not choose an activity, and who's teachers do not require them to come to a session will automatically be assigned to a "Catchall" session where they will need to attend and complete an assignment in order to be marked present.


Students who do not show up to an assigned SUCCESS! session will be marked absent and will be subject to attendance consequences for failure to attend their required academic class.  For more information about attendance consequences and truancy, please refer to our policies in the Student Handbook.  

We thank you for your support and encourage both students and parents to take advantage of the opportunities we have for extension and intervention provided during our SUCCESS! period.
