Join our eSports Team

aWhat:  eSports
When: Lunch time
Date:  Friday, 8/19/22
Where: Room C133
Who: Anyone interested in joining the eSports team
Are you interested in joining the MHHS Mustang eSports team? We are holding an informational session on campus, at lunch in Coach Ayers room on Friday 8/16/22. We
 will be discussing teams, practices, matches and the tryout times. 
The games we will be competing in this year include:

- Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
- League of Legends
- Overwatch
- Rocket League
- Splatoon 3
- NBA 2k
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Head over to our informational session this Friday 8/19/22 in room C133.

 Hope to see you there!