National Technical Honor Society--Become a Member

aWhy be a member of NTHS?

NTHS believes in CTE students, the heartbeat of today's workforce! NTHS celebrates the accomplishments of today's career and technical education students, empowering them to know the value and impact of their career paths and trades. Since 1984, NTHS has been honoring outstanding student achievement, providing scholarships and career development opportunities.

At Mountain House High School we have had students receive these scholarships for the last three years.  If you are a Junior or Senior and enrolled in at least the second year of a pathway, we welcome you to apply if you meet the criteria.  

How do I become a member of NTHS? (This is only for NEW members)

  1. Complete the school application 
  2. Receive your school approval
  3. Complete the NTHS online application and pay the ASB office or web store $33
  4. Attend the induction ceremony on Nov 4 at 6:30pm in the Theater

What happens after I become a member?

  • Attend the monthly after school meetings
  • Participate in service projects such as helping out with the Capstone ceremony
  • Order a cord if you are active and participate in service projects

If I am already a member do I need to do anything? 

  • No - we will contact you in about a month to start the officer election process. 

School application - 
