What's for Lunch at MHHS

.Food Selection Survey

Attention Students and Faculty/Staff...if you have not yet filled out the Food Selection form for next week's lunches, please take time to fill it out before the survey closes today, 11/9 if you intend to get a school lunch any day next week. We are doing our best to provide the meal you want each school day.


Mustang 'Ohana,
In an effort to provide even better service in our cafeteria, speed up the lines, and ensure that students receive the food that they prefer each day, we are starting to collect meal preference from students on a weekly basis.  Collecting this feedback will get us closer to being able to provide the food option that each student prefers each day they get a school meal.  While we cannot guarantee the meal that student prefer on a daily basis, we can get better at estimating how much of each item is wanted on a daily basis.  Starting this week, we are sending out a weekly meal preference survey to all students an faculty/staff member it the hopes that we can get a more accurate count of how many items to prepare each day.  

Your menu selections for next week (11/14/22 through 11/18/22) must be submitted by Thursday 11/10/22 at 11:30 A.M.
You must be logged in to your student Google account to fill out the form.

Thank you so much for your help as we continue to streamline our processes and provide excellent food services to our students, faculty, and staff here at MHHS.

Ben Fobert