MHHS Athletic Booster Club Board nominations

.It's that time of the year again!! MHHS Athletic Booster Club Board nominations.
Getting volunteers to serve as Board Members is crucial, without it the Booster Club can not exist.
Every year the board members are selected by members of the Booster Club.
If you would like to be a Board Member, please send an email to [email protected]. To be a Board Member of the MHHS Athletic Booster Club you must be a member, if you are not currently a member please join by purchasing a membership here.
We will be accepting nominations until March 20th, which will then be given to the nominating committee. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three (3) members chosen from the March 20th meeting.  The report of the nominating committee shall be submitted to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual election meeting. At the annual election meeting additional nominations may be made from the floor. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at the annual election meeting on May 15th.
Note: Only those persons who are eligible and who have signified their consent to
serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to office.

The Board Member positions are:
The president shall:
  1. Preside at all meetings of the Boosters, the Boosters Board, and Executive Committee.
  2. Be a member ex officio of all committees.
  3. Appoint all committee chairmen subject to the ratification of the Board.
  4. Coordinate the work of officers and committees in order that the purposes of the organization may be promoted.
Vice President
The vice president(s) shall:
  1. Act as aide(s) to the president and shall perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to act.
  2. Have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the President or by the board.
The treasurer shall:
  1. Receive monies of the Boosters, keeping an accurate record thereof, and shall deposit them in the name of the MHHS Athletic Boosters in a bank or banks approved by the Board.
  2. Pay all bills as authorized by the Booster Board or the organization.
  3. Keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements which is a permanent record of the Boosters. All other financial records must be retained for seven years, including the current year.
  4. Present a statement of account at every meeting of the Board and general membership meeting, and when otherwise requested by the Board.
  5. Make an annual financial report in September to the membership which includes gross receipts and disbursements for the year.
  6. File such annual reports with the Internal Revenue Service, the State of California, and local agencies as required by law.
  7. Prepare an annual budget and a sports specific budget to be presented at the membership meeting in April for review, with the final budget for the following year approved at the May meeting. Updates to the budget are to be discussed at the monthly membership meetings and accepted with majority approval.
  8. Get and maintain insurance coverage for director liability and any other insurance coverage deemed necessary that is approved at a membership meeting.
The parliamentarian shall:
  1. Advise the presiding officer on parliamentary law and matters of procedure when requested.
  2. Maintain a copy of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised and the bylaws at all meetings, and be familiar with them.
The secretary shall:
  1. Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meeting of the Membership, Booster Board, and Executive Committee.
  2. Record all expenditures and ratification of all written checks in the minutes.
  3. Prepare and disseminate minutes of the meetings to appropriate administrative staff, Athletic Director, Assistant Athletic Director, and Board Members.
  4. Shall keep a current copy of the Bylaws and the Standing Rules.
  5. Be responsible for the preparation and counting of any necessary ballots.
  6. Shall send correspondence deemed necessary by the President and the Board.
  7. Perform such other duties as may be delegated to the secretary.
Thank You,
MHHS Athletic Booster Club Board