We took 15 students to Atlanta Georgia for a week. 3 we're voting delegates that help make decisions about how SkillsUSA will operate, and 12 we're competitors.
We competed in 4 competitions and won gold in 3 of them!
Our gold medalist were:
Congratulations to our winning SkillsUSA conference gold medalists!
Mahit Namburu, Jimin Kim, and Divya Matta - American Spirit
Charan Battula, Vivek Nalluri, Sathya Abhinayi Seelam, and Zahra Umar - Entrepreneurship
Amogh Janganure - Related Technical Math
Our delegates were Charlie Huang, Ethen Dhanaraj, and Neha Bhaskarabhotla.
Dishita Thathapuram also competed in Technical Computer Applications but had to contend with her testing computer shutting down during her competition.
Special thanks to Jodi Larson and Jeremy Blackburn for helping things run smoothly during our trip.