MHHS Policy Updates

.MHHS: Policy Updates

As we gear up for another year of learning, growth, and success, we would like to take a moment to inform you about our school's policies on cell phones, restroom usage, and dress code. These policies have been established to create a positive and focused learning environment for all students.

1. Cell Phone Policy: In today's digital age, we recognize the significance of technology in education. However, at Mountain House High School, we aim to strike a balance between utilizing technology for educational purposes and minimizing distractions. To ensure a productive classroom environment, we have the following guidelines regarding cell phone usage:

  • Classroom Use: Cell phones should be turned off or set to silent mode during class hours and instruction. Teachers may allow specific usage for educational purposes at their discretion.

  • Common Areas: While in hallways, lunchrooms, and other common areas, students may use their cell phones during designated times. However, we encourage responsible usage and respectful behavior towards peers and staff.

  • Personal Responsibility: Students are responsible for the security of their own devices. The school is not liable for any lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones.

2. Restroom Policy: We value the health and well-being of our students and understand the importance of restroom breaks during the school day. Our restroom policy aims to balance students' needs with maintaining a safe and productive environment:

  • Passing Periods: Students are encouraged to use the restroom during passing periods to minimize disruptions to classroom instruction.

  • Emergency Situations: We understand that emergencies arise. If a student needs to use the restroom during class time, they may request permission from the teacher, provided it doesn't become a frequent occurrence that disrupts learning.

  • Respectful Use: We expect students to use the restrooms responsibly, keeping them clean and respecting the privacy and comfort of others.

3. Dress Code: A dress code promotes a focused and respectful atmosphere conducive to learning. Last school year, MHHS administration met with students, families, and school board members to discuss and adopt changes to the school dress code. Please know that proposed changes are under review and will be made public in the near future. In the interim, our dress code guidelines are designed to ensure a positive and inclusive school environment:

  • Appropriate Attire: Students should wear clothing that is conducive to a learning environment. Clothing with offensive language or images is not allowed.

  • Hats and Headwear: While we respect personal style, hats and headwear should not be worn inside classrooms as they can be distracting.

  • Footwear: For safety reasons, students must wear appropriate footwear at all times while on campus.

We believe that adhering to these policies will contribute to a positive school experience for all students. We encourage you to review these policies with your child and discuss the importance of following them.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. We are excited to work together to create a successful and enriching school year. If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Adam Auerbach, M.Ed.
Principal, Mountain House High School