Dear Parent or Guardian:
You are being asked to be a part of our school’s California School Parent Survey (CSPS), sponsored by the California Department of Education (CDE). The link for parents and guardians at Mountain House High School is:
It is voluntary. It is anonymous. It is brief, taking only a few minutes.
This important, short survey provides a means to confidentially obtain:
parent perceptions about the school's learning environment;
school climate;
student supports; and
parent outreach and involvement efforts.
The survey also provides data on the scope and nature of parent involvement at the school (relationships, activities) and in the child's education in general. CSPS identifies which needs and concerns of parents that schools should address in promoting greater involvement. Asking parents to provide their perceptions of the school is an empowering parent-involvement activity, which is a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) state priority.
The questions are aligned with the California Healthy Kids Survey offered to 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th graders. The student surveys may be viewed at the Lammersville Unified School District website.
The results from this survey are compiled into district- and county-level reports. To view a copy of your district’s report, go to
Administration. The survey will be open through November 30, 2023.
For Further Information. The survey was developed for the CDE by WestEd, a public, non-profit educational institution. If you have any questions about this survey, please call the district nurse, Beth Sorensen, RN at (209) 836-7400, extension 2742.
Beth Sorensen, RN
District Nurse