Congratulations to our MHHS Speech and Debate team in the Yosemite Forensic League State Qualifier tournament on February 23rd & 24th.

.Congratulations to our MHHS Speech and Debate team as they competed in the Yosemite Forensic League State Qualifier tournament on February 23rd & 24th.
This challenging competition was held in Turlock High School with high stakes of attending the prestigious CHSSA State Tournament. The team prepared and excelled with 25 finalists  and 15 qualifying to the State Championship.The team would like to thank the MHHS and LUSD admin and staff, our team advisors Mrs.Pillai and Ms. Oo, parents, and the MH community for supporting the growth and competitive opportunities of the team. We learn and achieve new heights with your continued backing.
1st Qualifying - Shreya Lakshmanan (Informative Speaking)
1st Qualifying - Rohin Prashanth (National Extemporaneous)
1st Qualifying - Tvishi Medathana (International Extemporaneous)
1st Qualifying - Hamsika Nittala (Impromptu Speaking)
1st Qualifying - Arpit Uppal (Congress Debate)
2nd Qualifying - Raihan Wicaksono and Sweekrit Bhatnagar (Public Forum Debate)
2nd Qualifying - Dhruv Gupta and Tanish Dutta (DUO Interpretation)
3rd Qualifying - Amogh Janganure and Rohin Prashanth (Public Forum Debate)
3rd Qualifying - Saiyuktha Veeramalla (Original Advocacy)
3rd Qualifying - Aarush Narayanan (Humorous Interpretation)
3rd Qualifying - Nithila Senthil Kumar (National Extemporaneous)
3rd Qualifying - Tvishi Medathana (Lincoln Douglas Debate)
3rd Qualifying - Anjana Bharathiraja (International Extemporaneous)
4th Qualifying - Siyona Sinha (Congress Debate)
4th - Sahasra Dronavalli and Sukanya Dhiman (DUO Interpretation)
4th - Anjana Bharathiraja (Original Oratory)
4th - Sahaj Madaan and Emannuel Peter (Public Forum Debate)
5th - Mohak Dhruv and Nithila Senthil Kumar (Public Forum Debate)
5th - Rifa Sipai (Lincoln Douglas Debate)
5th - Sachnoor Kaur (Dramatic Interpretation)
6th - Saiyuktha Veermalla (Dramatic Interpretation)
6th - Arjun Kurup and Joshuva Arokiaraj (Public Forum Debate)
6th - Anvi Sharma (Original Oratory)
7th - Akshaya Ganji (Informative Speaking)
7th - Denis Biju (Lincoln Douglas Debate)The Mountain House High School Speech and Debate Team