Walk-Through Registration, Schedule Changes, and School Reminders 7/26

.Walk-Through Registration, Schedule Changes, and School Reminders
Good morning, Mustangs,
Please remember to arrive to our Walkthrough Registration during your scheduled time so that we can accommodate all students in attendance. Parents are not required to attend, but may accompany students in the middle of the large gym.
Stations: When you arrive, you will be asked to verify that your Aeries data confirmation has been completed. Students will then have their ID photo taken so that they can proceed to station 2, where they will pick up their class schedules.
If your schedule is incorrect or missing a core class, you will head to station 3 to check in with your counselor. Please remember that schedule changes will not be made to accommodate teacher/Flex period preferences.
If your schedule looks correct, you can proceed through the large gym to the MPR to purchase an ASB card,
PE clothes, and/or yearbook. All freshman must stop by the MPR pick up their Chromebook and PE clothes.
Please use the following link to connect to our webstore to purchase items in advance: https://lusd.graystep.com/(S(z2vvgc0a0cym4jdddtzrftm5))/Index.aspx
Advisory: Every 9th-11th grade student has an advisory teacher on their schedule. Please note that advisory will take place every Thursday, and will include opportunities for students to get to know one another and develop deeper social/emotional skill sets.
*Seniors: due to our increasing student population, seniors will be assigned to a whole group advisory once/month. Please stay tuned for more details.
SUCCESS: MHHS students have the opportunity every day to attend a SUCCESS session with one of their teachers. Students are either assigned by a teacher to come to their classroom to receive additional support, or will select which teacher they would like to visit for support/help throughout the school year. Students will make a selection each morning to ensure that they are signed up for a SUCCESS session during 5th period.
We look forward to seeing you soon! Remember that school starts on Tuesday, August 6th.
Dr. Auerbach
Principal, Mountain House High School