MHHS Back to School Night is Tonight, August 22nd (6-8 PM)

MHHS Back to School Night is Tonight, August 22nd (6-8 PM)

Hello MHHS Families,
This is just a reminder that our annual Back to School Night is tomorrow, Thursday, August 22nd, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Our evening will kick off with a welcome from our Administrative & Counseling Team in the Large Gym at 5:30 PM, followed by classroom visits starting at 6:00 PM.

*If your student is taking an online course with us, please see the following message from our Coordinator of Alternative Education: 

Welcome to the Parent Orientation of Online Courses at Mountain House High School! I, Jacqueline Isaacson, am the coordinator of alternative education, and will guide you through our courses, expectations, and important details. Students are supported by teachers, have specific work schedules, and must follow guidelines for tests and attendance. Make sure to stay on track and utilize resources provided for success. Please see the following video: Online Course Welcome Video

*Online teachers will not be in the Learning Commons during Back to School Night. However, Ms. Isaacson and Ms. Million, our Librarian, will be available in the Learning Commons to answer any questions you may have regarding your student's online course.