MHHS Grade Eligibility for Winter Sports and Spring Tryouts

Grade Eligibility for Winter Sports and Spring Tryouts
Dear Mustang Families,

Happy New Year!  A friendly reminder all participants in winter sports and those considering trying out for spring sports that the upcoming reporting period will be crucial for your grade eligibility. We will use your non-weighted GPA from your Semester 1 Report Card to assess your eligibility.

Report Cards for Semester 1 come out in Aeries Today: 1/7/2025. 

Students who have a 2.3 or higher will be eligible to tryout for spring sports and remain on winter sports teams. 

Students who have a 2.0-2.29 will be on academic probation (if they have not had a probation period this year). This will require weekly meetings with the athletic director and paperwork to be completed.

Students who have under a 2.0 will be removed from winter sports and not allowed to tryout for Spring Sports.

If you have any questions about academic eligibility for winter tryouts (starting 1/27, 2/3, or 2/10) please reach out.

Here's to another great season!

Mrs. Nunn 
Athletics Director