Information » Mustang Professional Learning Community (PLC)

Mustang Professional Learning Community (PLC)

MHHS faculty and staff are a community of educators who believe in a "laser focus" on learning in a collaborative culture where we take collective responsibility for results in our school.  In professional terms, we call ourselves a Professional Learning Community or PLC.  As a part of this PLC, all faculty and staff believe that ALL students can learn, and are committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure that ALL students learn at high levels. 
As a part of this philosophy, our staff are engaged in ongoing collaboration and professional development that focuses on the principles and processes of a high quality PLC as spelled out in the book "Learning by Doing."  At it's core, the MHHS PLC is dedicated to taking a scientific approach to teaching, assessing, analyzing data, providing intervention and extension, and continually making changes to instruction to ensure that ALL students learn at high levels.
At its core, PLC is an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recursive cycles of collective inquiry and action research in order to achieve better results for the students they serve.  The PLC process allows us to fully implement our mission, vision, values and philosophy.